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LP filter


Designed to protect your camera lens, the EXUS Lens Protect is a clear, transparent filter  that does not affect the visible light range. The filter features a new antistatic coating that protects the lens from static clinging of dust and pollutants, while allowing easy cleaning of water spots and fingerprints. The EXUS Lens Protect glass is flatter and stronger than conventional filters. Designed to protect a camera’s expensive lens system from scratches and impact, EXUS Lens Protect is essential gear for both digital and film photographers. 


CPL filter
An essential filter for shooting landscapes and scenery, the EXUS CIRCULAR POLARIZER suppresses surface reflection of the subject to enhance color contrast. The high light-transmission of this polarizing filter makes colors look more intense and shadows darker with contrast. With 30% more transmission than a standard circular polarizer it is easier to view the subject in the viewfinder and auto-focus works in lower light levels.



Exus Lens Protect Marumi Homepage Exus Circular Polarizer Exus: The Full Story



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