The Zigview
S2 revolutionizes SLR photography with its detachable remote 2.5-inch
LCD screen, video output, motion sensor, intervalometer shutter
release, and more.
now giving you
All Zigview
S2 packages now come with up to $190 worth of accessories
for no additional charge. We are including the amazing Transceiver
(separation) cable which allows you to separate the Zigview’s
monitor from your camera - giving you the Freedom
to step out from behind your camera and view and shoot your images
from virtually any position you choose.

Imagine the FREEDOM
this will give you to see your subject and fire your camera, getting
shots you couldn’t get otherwise.
If you shoot
news, sports, weddings,
or celebrities, now you can put your camera head-and-shoulders
above the crowd, see what’s in the frame, and then shoot comfortably
right from the palm of your hand.

photographers, set your camera on your tripod, then hide behind a
tree or a rock and be ready to fire when the perfect shot appears
in your hand. Portrait, fashion
and school photographers, move out from behind the
camera, stand up, walk around, interact with your subjects, and then
shoot at the perfect moment. Celebrity photographers,
shoot over crowds, over walls, and around barriers. You may never
have to spend the day bent over looking through a viewfinder again!
The Zigview
S2, with a retail price of $399.95, is available from select photo
/ imaging retailers nationwide.
Here For The Zigview S2 Camera Compatibility Chart